School Timing
Rules For Students

Students must maintain at least 75% attendance throughout the session otherwise they y can't appear in the home exam or Board Exam. In case of urgent absentees, a student must inform the Principal/Class Teacher in written. Provided that one does not inform and remains absent for three consecutive days, his/her name shall be struck off from the register. Respect of school authority teachers and rest of the staff members is the primary concern of our school hence all the students ought to respect school staff. Violation of school rules and regulation will cause the dismissal of a student without any prior notice. Gadgets such as mobile, mobile watch, laptop, I phone, camera are strictly prohibited therefore one must never bring it in the school campus. In case of emergency a special permission must be taken from the Principal only. Every child is our responsibility so keeping everyone in discipline is our ideal duty. Students without school dress & Identity card shall not be let enter the school campus in any case. Anybody with incomplete notes or taught portion will be given the due treatment to complete the course.

School Timing

School runs regularly for six hours. It may vary as per Principal's order which will be informed through notice in advance. Students must reach school 10 minutes before Morning Prayer. Anybody late will not be allowed to enter the school premises hence it must be well considered before taking admission. Parents must not disturb regular school hours by reaching school for providing edibles, gifts or household things. Half- day can be granted only in serious conditions as per Principal's order provided that parents receive the phone. During school hours nobody is allowed to go outside school campus. School will not be responsible for anything that happens with a child outside school so such complains must not be brought here however if it belongs to students of the same school, the Principal will look into matter effectively. Send your ward with complete school bag, lunch box and water bottle for safety issues. School does not allow to deliver your ward's lunch box during, before or after interval.


School takes examinations as per latest Board Circular hence parents must not insist on changing the exam schedule, re-exam arrangement etc. All the oral and written exams are taken as per the previous information. Students failed to appear in the exam in any case shall not be given another opportunity for the same exam.